Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Makes Cash Gifting Illegal?

What Makes Cash Gifting Illegal?

 I see people on YouTube and various websites making claims of cash gifting to be an illegal activity or a scam or a ponzi scheme or illegal business or pyramid scheme, or even money laundering but where is the proof to these allegations?

If cash gifting was illegal, then why is it that the IRS has a publication in the tax code explaining how it works, Legally? See: IRS pub950   

So let's go ever some things here. You can stop reading at anytime when you think what I say becomes illegal.  

If I come up to you on the street and give you $10, is that illegal? Are you illegal for taking it? How about if I give you $100, $500, or $1000? How about if I gave you $5000? Am I illegal for doing that? Would you be illegal for accepting that money? According to IRS publication 950 we're not.

How about this this. What if I gave you a $50 gift card to Macy's? Is that illegal? Would you accept it and go purchase something from Macy's or would you be afraid that you're going to get arrested for taking it. Or how about if I wrote you a check for $10,000? You can stop reading at any time you feel that what I am saying is illegal! 

Let me give you another example. When you become a member of organizations like Delta Airlines, or Chase or Capital One or Target or Macy's or JC Penny's, do you not receive cash back or free plane tickets, or gift certificates that you can redeem for cash? Or how about when my job reached their 15 year anniversary and gave me a laptop bag valued at $150? All of these gifts are from BIG NAME COMPANIES and either hold cash value or is cash. Are they illegal for giving you those gifts and are you illegal for accepting them? Is any of this illegal yet?

So now, since I haven't said anything illegal yet, let's explore the allegations mentioned at the top of this post. 

What is an illegal activity? Well, it's a crime. So what is the definition of a crime? Let's see. A crime is an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited. I don't see anything negligent or injurious about giving someone money nor is it legally prohibited. Moving right along.

What is a scam? A scam is a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle. I can not speak for others claiming-to-be Cash Gifting Organizations, but there is no promising of riches, getting rich quick, money forecast, etc associated with the Cash Gifting Organization that I am apart of. There are no fraudulent schemes to evade taxes because the IRS is the one that allow you to gift cash money to someone in the first place. 

What is a ponzi scheme? A ponzi scheme is a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money from new investors, on an initial investment lures the victim into much bigger risks. Well, we don't have to worry about this one either. There are no investments in a legit cash gifting organization. It's simply you making a voluntary decision to Bless someone else's life financial by sending them a cash gift and trying to get others to do the same. That's it! The only risk involved is when you send a gift expecting something in return.

What is a fraudulent scheme? A fraudulent scheme is when people are recruited to make payments to the person who recruited them while expecting to receive payments from the people they recruit; when the number of new recruits fail to sustain the hierarchical payment structure, the scheme collapses with most of the participants losing the money they put in. In a legit cash gifting organization, there are no payments, no products. Just you volunteering to send someone a cash gift with no expectations. Often times your cash gift do not go to the person that invited you into the organization.

Last but not least, money laundering. What is money laundering? Money laundering is concealing the source of illegally gotten money. No money laundering in our Organization. We aren't hiding any sources. You can contact the founder of our Organization on Facebook, via email, and by phone. The money is not illegal so no issues there either.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that Cash Gifting is Illegal, remind them of the time they gave money to their brother or their mother or their father or their cousin or their friend or their co-worker, aunt, uncle, grandfather, grandmother, wife, husband, children, that non profit organization, that homeless person on the street. Then ask them, "What makes that any different from giving money to someone in a Cash Gifting Organization?"

Bottom line is this. You Reap What You Sow! Sow Good Seeds and a Good Harvest Shall Follow! Be Empowered My Friends!!